SQ3007DW - Snowy Owls - Visitors From The Arctic - A Rite of Passage


When the winters in the Arctic get rough, and the Lemmings, their main source of food becomes scarce, the younger, less experienced Snowy Owls move south for better climate and an ample selection of food. This Rite of Passage is sometimes known as the Great Snowy Owl Irruption. Michigan’s Upper and Lower Peninsulas have known hot-spots that I call “playgrounds,” where the young hone their hunting skills before returning to their home in the Arctic. These beautiful creatures are both mystical and mesmerizing to watch. I sincerely hope that you enjoy second-hand, what I have had the great privilege to enjoy somewhat up-close and personal.

Snowy Owls: Visitors from the Arctic Specifications

  • Approx. 41 pages

  • Over 50 Full Color Photographs

  • Adult/Children's Picture Book

  • Publisher: Independent

  • Written by Dan Waltz

  • Illustrated by Dan Waltz

  • Full Color Paperback: $15.00

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